Cross Culture Communication Class

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Q;Do you agree with the writer?
A;I agree with the writer because English is the common lunguage in the world. It is also increasing places and chances to use English for Japanese. In addition, it is said that the total number of people living by using English is about billion. That is quite a few. According to the govement, more than 90 persent of elementary schools provide English activities in some way or another. Most of the elementary schools tackle English education. These days, concern about English education in Japan is increasing. For example, in Gunma Kokusai Academy of Gunma, it is conducted all subujects but Japanese in English by naitive and bilingual Japanese teachers to aim to be a cosmopolitan person. So I think it is good to introduce a curriculum which one hour of English per week in the 5th and 6th grades in order to get accustomed to speaking English early. But it is important to study Japanese language and original Japanese culture and traditional, too. Necessity of English will rise more and more from now on. Therefore, it will be the point that childlen begin to learn English earlier. I think it is important to study not only English but also Japanese lunguage, culuture and tradition in a a balanced manner.


Blogger HJU Teacher said...

Interesting comments and I agree with some of your opinions.

10:53 PM  

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