Cross Culture Communication Class

Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Ideal Man
Personality is the most important. If each other have very different personalities, human relationship doesn't work out. And it is also important that each other's value are similar. Next, smile is necessary factor for me because smile makes me become cheerful when I'm sad and tired. And I like a man who has a sense of humor. I think the important thing is what each other have fun!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

If you were working for the UN, which job would like to have using your English abilities? Why?

I would like to work as a teacher. UNESCO provides teaching materials and offers health education so that all childeren in the world can recive an education. In addition, UNESCO conducts education training for local techers on developing countries. It is very important not only education for children, but also training for teachers. I think that children would increase their opportunity to recive an education if the namber of teachers increase. So I would like to teach knowledge of education as a teacher.

Friday, July 06, 2007

This is a cross culture situations
A man took a potshot at guests of a casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, and 5 men and women were wounded in the casino before dawn on July 7th.

I read asahi shinbun, July 7th.

I think this affair is a cross culture. There is a big difference about a gun ownership between America and Japan. In Japan, we are cracked down on the use of guns by law. So, only special people such as police officers or gang groups have guns. Japanese ordinary people never have a opportunity to see a gun in everyday life. However, in America, owning a gun is guaranteed by the Constitution. In additio, it is easier to get a gun in America than in Japan. I've heard American think a gun is a weapon to protect themselves, but Japanese think a gun is a weapon to kill someone. I felt anew if countries are different, their way of thinking are very differently.

Names and Addresses
1. How do you choose a child's given name in you family?
My parents chose my name and sister's name from number of strokes in a Chinese character and the meaning of the Chainese character. And they gave names to me and my sister with their a lot of wishes.

3.Does you given name or your family name mean anything?
I don't know the meaning of my family name, but it seems that my family name derives from the place-name. My given mane was given by my father. My given name means colorful and beautiful brightness. My parents hoped that I grow up a woman who can add color to many people around me and give a lot of happiness to the people. So, I like my name very much.

7.How do you know if names are boy's name, girl's name, or both?
We judge names from Chinese character of given names. A major example is "~子(ko)" and "~男(o)". "~子" is often used to a last letter of girl's name, and "~男" is used to a last letter of boy's name. However, these days, it is difficult to judge a boy or girl from only nemes because individual names are increasing.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Please answer the questions in the textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f. Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples.

a.When do children usually leave home?
Many peole start living away from home to go to colleage or to work other area after graduating from high school. They are to start a new life.

b.How many people live in your home?
My father, mother and younger sister. There are four people in my family. Previously, I lived with my family but I live alone now.

c.Do you have a head of the family?
Yes, I do. I think a head of my family is my father. We usually ask my father's opinion when we decide something big thing in the family. However, sometimes my mother also can be a head of the family.

d.Who does the housework?
My mother does most of the housework. Of course we also help her, but we often leave her to do a lot of housework.

e.Who runs the family?
My mother runs my family because she always handle our household accounts. I think we can't live without her.

f.How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
My family have three rooms to sleep in. In my parents' home, my younger sister and I slept in the same room and my parents sleep in the same. In addition, we have one more room for guest or our friends.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?
Yes. I think feelings emotions and facial expressions are very similar all over the world. For example, we open our eyes wide when we are very surprised, we smile when we are happy and we raise our eyebrows when we are irritated or angry.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.
English & Japanese
 ①happy : 嬉しい
 ②sad : 悲しい
 ③angry : 怒る
 ④painful : 苦しい
 ⑤fun : 楽しい
 ⑥nostalgic : 懐かしい
 ⑦scary : 怖い
 ⑧exciting : わくわくする
 ⑨disappointed : がっかりする
 ⑩lonely : 寂しい

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
Yes. For example, "setsunai(せつない)", "yabai(やばい)","bimyou(ビミョー)"


Thursday, May 10, 2007

I changed my view of Islam a little. I don't have little knowledge about Islam heretofore. It was a good chance to learn about Islam more.

1. How do you greet people in your life? Is it different for different people? Why?
I change how to greet for different people. I say to my friends "Ohayou" when I meet them in the morning, "bey-bey" when we go home after school is over or just wave my hands when I find my friend in adistance. I use informal greetings because I have friendly ties with them. Howevre, I say to teachers or elderly such "ohayougozaimasu", "sayounara", "situreisimasu". I use informal greetings to pay my respects to them because they are senior.

2. Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?
I touch people when I talk to only my friends because I think it expresses an affinity and friendliness by touching people. However, I seldom touch seniors and strangers except for matey senior or my family. It's my guess that touching is the old pals act for senior.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

2. The next class will be about Islam. Check the newspapers for the next 2 weeks and find articles about Islam. How are they talked about? Do you feel negative or positive about Islam?

Newspaper's Summary
On April 30, a suicide terrorist attack occurred during a funeral in the center of Iraq. At least 32 people who attend the funeral were killed and more than 50 were injured in the terror. It seems that armed group of Sunni Muslims carried out indiscriminate murder for Shiah.
asahi newspaper on May 1, 2007

I feel negative about Islam because I often find some words such as armed group, deadly suicide bombing, bolshevik and terrorism in a newspaper article of Islam or watch the news on TV. Therefore I have an image of Islam as it is scared and danger.

A list of adjectives used to describe Islam: armed, deadly, scared and danger.

1. How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it?

I put my hands together and always say 'Itadakimasu' before having a dinner because I express my gratitude for every food. Meals that we eat everyday consist of many sacrifices, for example animals, vegetable, fruit and so on. So, it is important to be grateful to many lives and people who cooked a meal or producters. We usually put my hands together and say 'Itadakimasu' before we eat without much attention, because we have done it from a child in our home or school. It is a teaching of Buddhism that we learned naturally.