Cross Culture Communication Class

Friday, July 06, 2007

This is a cross culture situations
A man took a potshot at guests of a casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, and 5 men and women were wounded in the casino before dawn on July 7th.

I read asahi shinbun, July 7th.

I think this affair is a cross culture. There is a big difference about a gun ownership between America and Japan. In Japan, we are cracked down on the use of guns by law. So, only special people such as police officers or gang groups have guns. Japanese ordinary people never have a opportunity to see a gun in everyday life. However, in America, owning a gun is guaranteed by the Constitution. In additio, it is easier to get a gun in America than in Japan. I've heard American think a gun is a weapon to protect themselves, but Japanese think a gun is a weapon to kill someone. I felt anew if countries are different, their way of thinking are very differently.


Blogger HJU Teacher said...

Excellent views on the differences of gun control. Yes in the USA constitution is a law to bear arms (guns) in the time it was written people used these guns to protect themselves in the belief of democracy. Japan used bow and arrow to defend themselves. What do you think?

7:08 PM  

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