Cross Culture Communication Class

Friday, December 15, 2006

Q;Do you think men and women write in a different style to each other? If you look at an e-mail ( not knowing who it is from) , can you tell if it is from a man or a women?

A;I think men and women write in a little different style to each other. For example, women often use face marks(kaomozi) like (^v^) (>_<) and picture writing(emozi) such as ♡ ☆ ♪ and so on in their e-mail. In the case of men, there is a tendency to write only necessary and short content. Therefore they hardly use face marks and picture writing such as women. I think women use an e-mail as means of communication and men use it as means of conveyance of information. However, there is a person in my male friends who likes to write a long e-mail by using face marks and picture writing. On the contrary, some my female friends write only short e-mail. So I can't always distinguish between men and women by only e-mail.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Q;Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

A;In this lecture, I was able to learn that there were various table mannars in the world.
I have gone to eat French cuisine with my family when I was child. I didn't know about table manners at all because I was much younger. Therefore, although I didn't finish to eat yet, my plate was cleared away when I apposed a fork and a knife. At that moment, my mother taught me that there was a sign by how to put a fork and a knife. Table manners is important, but I want to eat without caring about table manners because I'm too anxious about table mannars to eat my food with pleasure.